Friday, June 26, 2015

What features would you like added to Scoutbook

Scoutbook wants to make sure that we add new features that are important to you.  To do that we need your input.

Click the link below and vote for the features you want.

Take the Survey

Judgment Calls (24 min.) covering the "active," position of responsibility, and Scout spirit requirements, and also "reasonable expectations."

Judgment Calls (24 min.) covering the "active," position of responsibility, and Scout spirit requirements, and also "reasonable expectations."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Poisonous plants quiz

College of Commissioner Science & District Studies

Important training for Commissioners AND district members
Image result for scout district patch

Thank you for your service as a commissioner or district volunteer in the Grand Canyon Council.  We invite you to upgrade and fine tune your district leadership skills and get the latest information and resources to help you better serve your district and Scouting units, by attending the 2015 College of Commissioner Science and District Studies training event on Saturday, September 19th. Go to the following website to learn more or to register for this training event.

What is (and what isn’t) a camping night for the Camping MB?

We often receive questions about what constitutes a camp night for Camping Merit Badge.  When it comes to finding a place to spend the night, Boy Scouts have seemingly limitless options: tent, hammock, cabin, retired battleship, museum, church gymnasium, baseball stadium, sleeping bag under the stars.  All of these locations offer a great experience for Scouts, but only some count as camping — at least when it comes to the Camping merit badge.  Here are two excellent articles on the topic:

Monday, June 22, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Have your Scouts or Venturers earned the SCOUTStrong award?

SCOUTStrong3How your Scouts can take the SCOUTStrong challenge

By Mark Ray
From the November-December 2014 issue of Scouting magazine

ACCORDING TO THE U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 percent of American kids and 35 percent of American adults are obese, putting them at increased risk for heart disease, diabetes and a host of other health problems. The main causes, of course, are too little exercise and too much food. Studies show only a third of kids are physically active each day, while a fourth of young kids eat fast food daily. The BSA is helping to fight the obesity epidemic with the SCOUTStrong PALA Challenge.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Six Lighting Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

The statistics are scary: Each year in the United States, an average of 53 people die from lightning strikes, and hundreds more are permanently injured.

But remembering just five words could mean the difference between life and death for you or the Scouts in your unit: “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors.”

This is a good time for me to bring it to your attention because June 21-27, 2015, is Lightning Safety Week, the National Weather Service’s annual reminder about the dangers of lightning and how to minimize your risk.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Introducing BSA's Learning Management System

What it is
A learning management system (LMS) is a tool that is used to deliver training content to users .  In it’s simplest form, our current e-learning system is an LMS.  It delivers training to the volunteer, tracks progress and completion and ultimately sends a completion record to the database where the person record is stored.  Our current e-learning site software was built in 2001, and as you can image technologies have advanced significantly since its creation.  The new learning management system will provide us with a significantly more powerful tool to deliver training to our adult volunteers and will be integrated with the membership database improving our ability to deliver the one person – one record strategy where all information is in a single user record for each volunteer.

My.Scouting Tools Training

Video training on My Scouting Tools

Return to Grand Canyon Council Updates

Scoutbook's New Look

Scoutbook has changed the look of it's interface to be more mobile friendly and the launch page is like other BSA websites.  

All the new Cub Scout adventures have been added.

Check it out!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Scout-O-Rama Date Change

Due to circumstances outside our control, Scout-O-Rama will now be on February 20th, 2016.

Same times, same location.

We’ll see you there!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Comments Are Open and Welcome!

We have opened the comment feature of the blog.  Comments and questions are open and welcome!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

How Kids Stay Plugged-In Outdoors

North American Camping ReportAs the nation’s foremost program of youth development, it’s important we stay abreast of trends.
Did you know young campers say having a smartphone is almost as important as toilet paper in the outdoors?! It’s hard to deny the nature of camping is changing. Although escapism is still one of the top reasons to go camping, completely unplugging from the world has become less of a reality for modern campers.
As the newly released 2015 North American Camping Report details, camping is the perfect way for people to reconnect with nature and the outdoors, reduce stress, and spend quality time with their families. And since camping and enjoying the great outdoors is what Scouts do best, your council might be interested to learn how camping trends are changing for families. But are today’s youth actually excited to sleep outside and explore nature? Are campers disconnecting from technology and sticking to good ol’ fashioned conversation at campsites? Read on to discover some of the report’s surprising, and not so surprising, findings.

Advancement Educational Presentations

There are a number of advancement educational presentations  that are setup for group instruction or individual review.

Here are some that have just been updated:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Grand Canyon Council Merit Badge University

Grand Canyon Council Merit Badge University

*Taught by Experts*

Your Scout (ages 11 to 18) will have the opportunity to earn up to two (Eagle or Non Eagle Required) Merit Badges.  Some of the Merit Badges that will be available are:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Eagle Congratulation Letters

Eagle Scout Information
Where you can go to find addresses of dignitaries to write 

Eagle congratulatory letters

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Cub Scout Advancement and Internet Advancement

It isn't be any harder than before -- Packs still have to submit Internet Advancement reports for Rank Badges.

But there is not a requirement to submit reports for the "Adventure Loops" and "Adventure Pins"

Dissecting The New Cub Scout Adventures

April Cub Chat-08
If you haven’t taken the opportunity yet to read through and become familiar with the Cub Scout Adventures with the new Cub Scout program, give this thread a once-over. We had a casual #CubChat all about the new adventures, and which ones would be great to do with the whole Pack, and which ones are perhaps better for a family activity at home.

Many folks are excited for some of the cooking-themed adventures, and of course the outdoor adventures are always a big part of summer. As you prepare your Den and Pack to transition to the new Cub Scout Adventures, take a look at what Scouters across the country are doing in their approach to advancement, meeting plans and other activities that help Cub Scouts dive into the heart of the new program: The Cub Scout Adventures.

A Facebook Favor, a Memorial Day Honor

BeautifulAt the Cub Hub, we’re lucky to see how Cub Scouts experience Scouting all across the country. Each region has its own unique resources and flavor, and we want to bring you the highlights as we see and enjoy them.
Social Media is all about connecting to others, and it’s pretty amazing to see how effective that connection can be for something as special as honoring a soldier’s grave on Memorial Day. Scout leader Richard Moeur from Arizona posted on the Cub Scouts Facebook page that his Pack, Cub Scout Pack 242 in Phoenix, Arizona, would be placing flags at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery in the early morning light of Memorial Day, on Monday.

7 Cool Features in the New Den Leader Guides

cubcast-logoA positive Cub Scouting journey relies on the ability of Scout leaders and volunteers to create a memorable experience for each and every Cub Scout. That’s why so much effort in creating the new Cub Scout program was focused on making Den Leader Guides the most effective, useful and powerful resource they could possibly be. That’s good news for leaders, but that’s even better news for the Cub Scouts under those leaders who will be left with life-changing experiences.

For May’s episode of CubCast, the hosts are joined by Cub Scout online training task force member Nancy Farrell to discuss what exactly makes the new Den Leader Guides new and improved. Nancy added that because the new Den Leader Guides are different, and “built to support Cub Scout Leaders like never before,” that it’s important to purchase and entirely read through each guide for the Cub Scout rank you are working with. 

Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Procedures

We are receiving reports that Scouts and Scouters are having difficulties opening the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.

Make sure you are following instructions.

Do not attempt to open this workbook in a browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) or in programs such as Nuance PDF Converter. The workbook was created in Adobe LiveCycle, which must be saved to your computer and opened with Adobe Reader 9 or later. This enables the user to take advantage of the enhancements of expandable text boxes and importing images.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Tread Lightly!

Tread Lightly! is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to promote responsible outdoor recreation through ethics education and stewardship. Tread Lightly’s goal is to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with our need to maintain a healthy environment.

Knowing and the principles of Tread Lightly will be required in 2016 for Boy Scouts

Tread Lightly! is a Scouting partner. Click here to learn more

Transitioning to the 2016 Boy Scout Requirements

Based on the work of the Strategic Plan Goal 411 Task Force, a new set of Boy Scout requirements will become effective on January 1st, 2016. Timing for the release and implementation of the new requirements will be as follows:

  • June 2015 
    • New Boy Scout requirements released
  • Summer 2015 
    • New requirements will be reviewed in detail in Philmont Training Center conference schedule here
  • Fall 2015 
    • New requirement information and interpretation shared via Advancement News, roundtables, etc.
  • January 2016  
    • 2016 Boy Scout Requirements book released
    • 2016 Boy Scout Handbook released
    • New requirements become effective

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Outdoor Ethics Awards

Guided by the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace, millions of Scouts have enhanced their awareness of the natural world around them, minimizing impact to the land. For Scouts who have a deep interest in the outdoors, nature, and the environment, Scouting’s outdoor ethics will give you an ever-deeper appreciation of the richness of the land and how we fit into it. If you are prepared to venture down the path of really becoming aware of your surroundings, of building the skills that will allow you to leave no trace on the land, then the Outdoor Ethics Awareness and Action Awards are for you.

For Frequently Asked Questions click below


A guide for new merit badge counselors by Grand Canyon Council Advancement Committee, BSA

A merit badge counselor serves as both a teacher and mentor as Scouts work on a merit badge.  In one way, he or she is an examiner.  In a larger sense, the counselor uses this opportunity for coaching – helping young men overcome the hurdles of the different requirements and making Scouts aware of the deeper aspects of the subject from their knowledge and experience.  Because of these unique opportunities to serve Scouts, volunteering as a merit badge counselor is one of the most gratifying experiences for adults in Scouting today.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

LDS Cub Scouts CAN go camping!

From the Utah National Parks Council Blog

In the new Cub Scout program there are required adventures for all ranks that center around the idea of learning to camp.  The boys are required to participate in a campfire program, learn about the Leave no Trace principles, the outdoor code and more.  But wait… as per the“Green Scouting Handbook”, (page 4 section 6.1) Cub Scouts in LDS units are not allowed to go camping, right?  Let’s re-examine the statement in the LDS Scouting handbook a little closer because the “Cub Scouts can’t go camping” interpretation is not quite accurate.  What it actually says is: “No Scout-sponsored overnight camping should be planned for boys under age 11.”  Okay, so does it actually say that a boy under age 11 can’t go camping?  No!  Let’s get this straight… A Cub Scout age boy CAN go camping, just not with his den or pack, like would be done in Cub Scout packs not sponsored by the LDS church.

Unit Service Plan Instructional Videos Viewing Sequence

The complete series of six Unit Service Plan instructional videos are now posted on YouTube. Those Unit Service Plan videos, and the recommended viewing order are: 

1. Why Build a Unit Service Plan 
2. Collaborative Assessment Key Concepts 
3. The Intermediate Assessment: A Good Starting Point 
4. Developing a Collaborative Unit Assessment 
5. Developing a Unit Service Plan 
6. Updating a Unit Service Plan 

Start an Adventure Club at your high school


Start an Adventure Club at your high school….

We went to an Eagle Scout teacher (not required, but helps)….and formed the "Black River Adventure Club."  The Crew President, a DE, and I, after going over details and potential issues with the teacher, had the teacher present to the principal and Vice Principal-for-student-activities the idea of our Adventure Club.  We explained that we use the umbrella of the BSA for insurance, youth protection, Guide to Safe Scouting, and that the club is entirely student run with adult guidance.  Explained that the obvious trappings of Scouting were optional and not over emphasized (uniform, advancement, etc), but that using the Scouting resources was an advantage for providing fun safe adventures to the teens.  Teen development, character building, etc was to be the emphasis as the teens plan adventures.

There was a little balking at the time about the gay thing, but I emphasized that we don’t promote homosexuality, and we don’t promote heterosexuality; that sexuality was not a part of Scouting, and all students will be welcome.  

Spring 2015 Training Times

In This Issue
 My.Scouting Tools
 New Cub Scout Leader Training
 Philmont Training Center
 Latest Versions of Leader Training
 Leadership
 Team Update
 Training Task Force Retreat

Check out the latest training information in the Training Times at

New Recruiting Resources Available Now!

New Recruiting Resources Available Now!
Plus, there is also a new one-stop destination for recruiting materials. The Marketing-Membership Hub at

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

2015 Baden-Powell University

The Grand Canyon Council is proud to present Baden-Powell University. This is our premier Scout leader training event that provides top quality information, innovative ideas, and essential training courses in an inspirational and enjoyable atmosphere. 

Introducing Scoutbook Video

A good introductory video of why there is a Scoutbook 

Scoutbook can be accessed here:

Support for can be received on the forums at or by sending an email to

Seeking Commissioners for Camp Raymond

Know anyone that would like to serve as a volunteer commissioner for either week 1 or week 2 at Camp Raymond? Please have them call Camp Director Rich Gomez at 928-310-1041 or email

Camp Raymond is located near Flagstaff AZ. The weather is about 15 degrees cooler than in the Phoenix Valley. What a great way to spend a week: Helping over 300 Scouts learn how to be the best they can be!

New Latter Day Saints Scouting Handbook

A new handbook for Church units in the United States has been issued.  It is here:

For some changes, click the link below

New Animation Merit Badge

More information is here: and Requirements will be posted here

LDS Church Updates Safety Resources

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not only updated its safety-related website , but it also released three new videos. The videos address real risks faced by anyone who uses the outdoors as a classroom. They cover lightning safety, drowsy driving, and being physically prepared in a different approach than most safety videos. 

 For more information click below

NEW, Simplified! National Outdoor Badge Acquisition Process

Simplified!  National Outdoor Badge Acquisition Process

New process is here

Guide to Advancement Print Version

The print version of the 2015 Guide to Advancement is now available in local Scout shops or from ScoutStuff: click here
The online version of the guide is here:

STEM Updates for Cub Scouts

The new requirements are already listed at
New books coming soon

Spring 2015 Counselor Compass

Newsletter for Merit Badge Counselors

Click here to view the 2015 Counselor's Compass Spring Issue

Scoutbook Bug Fixes

I won’t post each time Scoutbook fixes a problem, but this problem seemed to be significant.
Fixed bug Scrolling up or down inside the program
If you have been using the latest Chrome browser version 43 you may have noticed the scroll bars disappear after trying to click on one of our popups like the Quick Entry popup.
A hot-fix has been published to resolve this issue. If anyone continues to experience any issues please report it to the Scoutbook Bugs Forum.