One uniform piece unites Scouts in
all 223 countries with a Scouting program.
It’s not the button-up uniform shirt
It’s not
the purple World Crest.
It’s the Scout neckerchief.
Look at pretty much any photo of a
Scout or Scout leader from another country, and you’ll see
those rolled-up triangles. They’re wearing Scout neckerchiefs even if
they aren’t in their full, official uniform (what we in the U.S. call
the field uniform).
And now, the BSA is joining
them. Scout neckerchiefs, long a symbol of the
movement globally, are now approved for wear by Boy Scouts of
America members whether in or out of uniform.
This line on page 12 of the Guide to Awards and Insignia, 2015 edition,
confirms the change:
When engaged in Scouting activities, members may wear
the neckerchief with appropriate nonuniform clothing to identify them as
Previously, according to an earlier version of
the Guide, the Scout
neckerchief was “worn only with the official uniform and never with T-shirts or
civilian clothing.”
Why the change?
- Removing restrictions for neckerchief wear
brings the BSA in line with other members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
- The neckerchief, as recommended by
Scouting founder Robert Baden-Powell, can be a tool for first aid.
It can work as a sling, tourniquet or bandage.
- Scout neckerchiefs identify Scouts
as Scouts, even when they aren’t in uniform.
- The neckerchief looks cool — just ask Bear Grylls.
What one Scouter says
Dan Kurtenbach, a Scouter from Virginia, told me
by email that he’s thrilled with the move.
“The previous policy meant that you would hardly
ever see a neckerchief at Scout outdoor activities, because you hardly ever see
the official uniform being worn for active outdoor events,” he writes. “With
this change, it seems that the Scout neckerchief can be used for what it was
designed for: practical outdoor gear.
“But more importantly, it finally allows boys
engaged in outdoor activities to be recognized as Scouts, not just any old
youth group. It allows us to take the uniform with us wherever we go and
whatever we are doing.”
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